Thursday, December 7, 2006

A New Bath Brush

Okay, so the last entry was a bit long. Hey, I'm passionate about my subject! But on a slightly shorter note, Harry and I made a pilgrimage last weekend to the Vermont Country Store. Apart from being a way to kill a Sunday that didn't involve me pretending to be interested in football, our main goal was to acquire the infamous Vermont Country Store bath brush:

After two-plus hours in the car and almost running out of gas because I refused to stop at the one-pump station we passed right after realizing the tank was nearly empty on the assumption that there'd be another (real) gas station nearby (there wasn't) we arrived, weary and restless, only to discover that the store wasn't carrying them!! I looked everywhere, and then looked again, trying not to hover creepily around the makeshift spanking implements in the apothecary section or gaze too longingly at the Mason Pearson hairbrushes, but they were nowhere to be found. They did, however, have a passable substitute in the form of a very sturdy Crabtree & Evelyn bath brush:

And good thing, because my wooden hairbrush met an untimely end the previous weekend and now lies split in two at the bottom of the garbage can. (Poor me.)

Harry was in a bit of a grumpy mood after wandering around the shop smelling pretty soaps for ages and then coasting on fumes back to the nearest gas station, but I was really keen to test out our new toy. In fact, I was going to suggest that we pull off into the woods we were driving through (did I mention how rural the area was?) but remembered just in time that it's hunting season and that sticking a white tail up in the air might not be the brightest move. Maybe we'll go back in the spring. (When I can't torture him with radio Christmas tunes for hours on end, I can hear Harry say.)

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